Wellen, Festspielzeit


Last change on February 17, 2025

The text was written by the director of the play Kai Anne Schuhmacher.
The text was published in edition 1 (11/24)

Reading time 3 Min.

Football instead of magic bullets

Brew a potion with Max to help him aim and accompany Agathe through the city

Der Freischütz für Kinder - Illustration Explosion bunt

“Questioning your own abilities and the stomach ache you get when you feel like you are not living up to expectations, is something that the characters of Der Freischütz experience just as much as our young audience.“

Kai Anne Schuhmacher

The interactive opera about the pressure to perform, self-worth and friendship invites families to cheer, sing and be an active part of the stage atmosphere. Needless to say, there will also be a shot of magic in the children’s version of Carl Maria von Weber’s romantic opera Der Freischütz

When I write about the German word “Mitmachoper” (interactive opera) on my computer, the writing program always corrects the word and changes it to “Mutmach-oper”, which literally translates to encouraging opera and, to be honest, I think this wording is quite fitting for the children’s version of Der Freischütz. Because this is what it is intended for: courage for your own life and pleasure in musical theater.

The adults know: In the original version of Der Freischütz, Agathe will only become Max’ wife, if he wins the shooting trial. His future income – namely, taking over the forester’s lodge – depends on this exact moment in which he has to deliver. It is somehow natural that he therefore goes weak at the knees and due to that nothing seems to work. A great moment for dark magic to lure Max in and pressure him into getting help by the circle of hell in the form of magic bullets.

Barely any other opera plays with motifs of pressure to perform and self-worth like Der Freischütz and that is why this play is the ideal starting point for a children’s version. Questioning your own abilities, talents and the stomach ache you get when you feel like you are not living up to expectations, is something the characters of Der Freischütz experience just as much the intended audience.

The setting of this version is a bit different than in the original: we start the story in the urban surroundings of a school. It is their mid-morning break. Max must score a goal because, otherwise, the other team will call the school’s playground their own. Every child can relate to Max missing the goal and having to experience Kilian’s mockery. 

Hopeless and excluded from the group Max is left behind. Someone who knows this feeling really well is Kaspar – a dropout who still lurks around in a corner of the school’s playground during the break. Kaspar promises Max a magic potion. This potion is said to help him avoid failure and guarantee that every shot will score a goal. Kaspar has trusted this magic potion many times before. A mysterious person that will appear in different forms has given him access to it. Max will eventually meet this person at Wolf’s Glen as well…

What makes this opera format so special is that we can make the fourth wall between the stage and the audience literally disappear. Not only can the children participate in singing but also actively become one of the characters – mysterious wolves, the wind or the city’s lights that illuminate the streets for Agathe. At first, I was skeptical when they asked me in the winter of 2023 if I wanted to plan and stage an opera in which the audience can participate. Participate? Without rehearsing for weeks? How would that be possible?

But in the end, what is it that we do on stage? We play. The previous formats of the interactive opera for children in Bregenz and the detailed and lovely preparatory materials piqued my curiosity and convinced me in the end. Opera for children should not only be available in the highest quality, but also be a starting point for their own games and fantasies after and during the performance. 

I would be delighted to see many families find their way to one of our performances, to cheer the school’s teams on with us and be at our side/ at gloomy Wolf’s Glen.

Der Freischütz for children
Carl Maria von Weber


Performances for school classes
31 March 2025 - 10 a.m.
1, 2 April 2025 - 10 a.m.
Festspielhaus, Großer Saal


Performances for families
30 March 2025 - 11 a.m.
Festspielhaus, Großer Saal

Eine Backsteinmauer mit Tor bildet die Szenerie. Auf der Mauer sitzt ein düster wirkender Mann, während ein Junge in Schuluniform auf einer Bank davor sitzt. Ein Fußball liegt achtlos auf dem Boden. Die Szene wirkt geheimnisvoll und spannend.
Auf dem Schulhof findet ein Fußballspiel statt. Jugendliche in Schuluniform rennen über den Platz, konzentriert und voller Energie.
Auf dem Schulhof sind viele Jugendliche in Schuluniform versammelt. Ein Mädchen hält Schilder mit der Aufschrift „3:0“ in die Höhe. Einige Jugendliche liegen jubelnd übereinander und feiern den Sieg, während die anderen mit enttäuschten Gesichtern gegenüberstehen – sie scheinen das Spiel verloren zu haben.
Der Junge auf der Bank hält den Fußball fest in seinen Armen. Über ihm schwebt ein weiterer Ball in der Luft. Hinter dem Jungen steht ein Mann in einem pinken Anzug mit passendem Zylinder, der den schwebenden Ball scheinbar mit einer magischen Geste über dem Kopf des Jungen kontrolliert.
Zwei Mädchen in Schuluniform lachen und schlagen fröhlich miteinander ab. Die Szene spielt in der Dunkelheit.
Zwei Mädchen in Schuluniform lachen gemeinsam in einer nächtlichen, geheimnisvollen Kulisse. Im Hintergrund ist eine imposante Backsteinmauer mit Tor zu sehen, die an eine magische Welt erinnert. Die Szene spielt in der Dunkelheit der Nacht.
Wölfe sind in einem Käfig eingesperrt, darüber leuchtet ein Vollmond und taucht die Szene in eine dunkle, düstere Atmosphäre. Eine Person sitzt auf dem Käfig, während zwei Schüler in Schuluniform davor stehen.
Vor der Bühne steht ein Kinderchor mit Wolfsmasken. Auf der Bühne haben die Wölfe einen Jugendlichen bereits gepackt. Er streckt verzweifelt die Arme nach vorne aus, doch er kann sich nicht mehr befreien. Die Stimmung ist bedrohlich und angespannt.
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